As an antidote to the fine yarn and slender needles of Broderie, and a balm to heal the subsequent wound of losing Broderie, I needed a near-instant gratification, heavier-gauge project. Meet Snow White, yet another gorgeous pattern by Ysolda. The image to the left is the completed body; I know it looks absurdly small, but I can assure you that it stretches to fit me (thanks in part to that magical cast-on I was talking about).
This will be my eighth jumper this year. As I write this, on 09/09/09, I am a little annoyed that it is not my ninth, especially as it could so easily be - all I have to do on my Hey, Teach is seam it and knit the button band. To be honest, though, I have rather fallen out of love with this project, as signalled by the fact that I have banished its dismembered pieces to the darkest recesses of my wardrobe. I am considering ripping it out and continuing my Ysolda fixation with another Liesl, inspired by Alana's beautiful version.
Oh, I forgot to mention, this red yarn is itself recycled from the abortive Lush and Lacy Cardigan.
I like this a LOT.